Create viral campaigns to support non-profits and receive a unique t-shirt.
An attempt at providing a productivity software for note taking, collaboration and data drivent contents. small mobile applications and games:
A sophisticated decision matrix tool. To get started, navigate to the help page and choose one of the examples. is a dice-rolling simulator and expression editor that also displays probabilities.
Jumper’s Ideas
A website that collectes simple (often unstructured) ideas.
Elm Resume
Elm Resume is a simple way to publish your own resume. To get your resume live, just fork the project, point the api_base_url
in the index.html
to a JSON describing your skills and experiences, and you are done.
Open Source
List of the most notable/useful OS projects I created or heavily collaborated to.
- Tempo Framework (and libraries) to build dynamic front-end applications.
- ParTSing A decoder combinator library for TypeScript. You can use it to build parsers/decoders from text, tokens or really any input value.
- thx: Super-charged standard library for Haxe. Documentation at
- utest: Unit testing library for Haxe. It is cross-platform (all Haxe targets) and it supports asynchronous testing.
- doom: A Haxe oriented implementation of Virtual DOM and React architecture. It encourages using one state (much like the Elm architecture) and it always provides type-safety.
- edge, edge2: Entity Component System (ECS). The first version relies heavily on Macros and makes some assumptions. The second version leverages the type system to get more freedom.
- hxelectron: External definitions and utility methods to create Electron applications using Haxe.
- thx.color: General purpose color library for Haxe. It supports most color-spaces on the market.
- thx.promise: Provides a type-safe way of dealing with future values in Haxe.
- thx.format: String formatting library for numerals, dates and more.
- thx.http: Multi-platform library to make asynchronous Http requests with type-safety.
- sui: Minimal UI that binds values bidirectionally.
- thx.unit: Library to convert between units of measurements.
- minicanvas: Library to quickly prototype canvas drawing.
- dots: Utilities to more easily work with the browser DOM.
- thx.csv: Parser and writer for CSV (TSV, DSV) contents.
- dicefont: A font with symbols of dice.
- thx.culture: Localizations for many cultures, generally to be used together with thx.format.
You can find my resume here.